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Aleksandra Štingl, Author at Komunikacijsko savjetovanje - Page 3 of 4

Expert advice

Believe it or not, some clients in Croatia still require communication strategies of 70, 100 and even 150 pages. This eventually turns out to be a doctoral dissertation instead of a clear strategy that shows the direction of PR actions. A few years ago, a colleague told me how the financial mechanisms in Norway (EEA...

Communication of e-Enrollment in kindergartens

Bolder is involved in the project “e-Enrollment – Informatization of the process and the establishment of comprehensive electronic enrollment services in educational institutions” for Central Office for the Development of the Digital Society. The realization of this project will simplify enrollment in the educational program without the need to issue numerous certificates. What did it...

Territorial branding and product branding

As part of the implementation of the Strategic Project to Support the Competitiveness Cluster Initiative, we have organized an online conference on 17 December with the aim of presenting the results of the project “Action Plan for Territorial Branding and Product Branding”. Robert Blažinović, Head of the Industrial Policy Department from the Ministry of Economy...

Public speech and presentation of results

Lately, I often help the Association ZAMISLI in media promotion. In order to increase their visibility in the media and improve their communication tools, I have organized a training called “Public Speech and Presentation of Results”. At the beginning, all project managers learned to present their projects concisely and clearly, with an emphasis on the...

Find your element

I already mentioned Sir Ken Robinson’s book “Element” in the blog “Croats are crazy about ikigai”. The term element is used to describe a state in which what we like to do is related to what we are good at. He believes that discovering one’s own element is crucial for satisfaction with our life, health...

Everyone needs good speaking skills

Whatever business you do, you need to have good communication skills. Entrepreneurs should not neglect the importance of good communication and continuous improvement of speaking skills because it depends on how successful they will be in their business. The skills of communicating, writing and generating new ideas are crucial for business, and it all comes...

How to use humor in public speech

Whoever has watched Croatian politicians and those who just want to become MP during parliamentary elections in recent weeks has witnessed more than masochistic performances. Apart from exceptions, there were insults, fierce quarrels and attacks, unargued statements, unrealistic promises, lies and bad humor. Some people were completely unprepared to appear in front of the media...

Young people are not inert

During the coronavirus pandemic, I suggested to representatives at the Zagreb Youth Center to create new content for their users who follow the Center’s activities online. After the successful brainstorming, we created – “Tips of the successful people” and “From the couch around the world”. Our goal is to involve users and encourage activism by...