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Uncategorized Archives - Komunikacijsko savjetovanje

Do not avoid public speaking

At the end of August, I was invited to participate as a speaker at Eventualno event. It is an event that connects event industry’s representatives to discuss challenges, problems and possible solutions. It is designed as a panel where you do not know who the other participants will be, nor what will be the topic...

Jack Welch on the importance of PR

American businessman Jack Welch, known as “Neutron Jack” for slashing a thousands of jobs in the energy sector, spoke in several interviews about the importance of PR and Executive presence. He considered it extremely important for every businessman to work on expressing his attitudes clearly, structured and confidently. In a short video recorded for the...

Integrated marketing communications

Recently I have completed an online education, a program Integrated Marketing Communications organized by IE Business School in Madrid, an internationally recognized business school that has been promoting innovation and change in organizations for over 40 years, providing managers with an entrepreneurial mindset. The program was divided into four modules and each included a series...

How to define a good business mission

The goal of public relations is to establish, maintain and improve communication with all key stakeholder important to any company, organization or institution. But before defining a communication strategy and communication plan, it is necessary to develop a strategic plan that sets out the vision, mission and strategic goals of the company. Communication consultancy comes...

PR support for media education workshops

This week we held the last workshop within the project “Empowering young people through media education”. The series of workshops was jointly organized by the Udruga Zamisli and Udruga Maštara, Croatian Journalists’ Association, under the sponsorship of the US Embassy in Croatia and PR support of Bolder. More than 150 young people from all over...

Expert advice

Believe it or not, some clients in Croatia still require communication strategies of 70, 100 and even 150 pages. This eventually turns out to be a doctoral dissertation instead of a clear strategy that shows the direction of PR actions. A few years ago, a colleague told me how the financial mechanisms in Norway (EEA...

Communication of e-Enrollment in kindergartens

Bolder is involved in the project “e-Enrollment – Informatization of the process and the establishment of comprehensive electronic enrollment services in educational institutions” for Central Office for the Development of the Digital Society. The realization of this project will simplify enrollment in the educational program without the need to issue numerous certificates. What did it...

Territorial branding and product branding

As part of the implementation of the Strategic Project to Support the Competitiveness Cluster Initiative, we have organized an online conference on 17 December with the aim of presenting the results of the project “Action Plan for Territorial Branding and Product Branding”. Robert Blažinović, Head of the Industrial Policy Department from the Ministry of Economy...