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Climate changes

Any topic can be interesting to media

Recently I had an excellent opportunity to collaborate with The Croatian Metrology Society on the celebration of the World Metrology Day. A seemingly boring topic turned out to be a source of extremely interesting information. Namely, every time we buy a kilogram of apples, use the GPS in our car to navigate, take a pill, enter a building, or run a marathon, we should think about the metrologist who made it possible. Measurements are an extremely important part of our daily lives and without measurements there would be no industrial production, trade, development of new products, sports competitions, protection of people’s health and safety, and thus no protection of the environment.

The Croatian Metrology Society marked the International Day of Metrology with appropriate lectures on metrology in the fight against climate change and the establishment of a sustainable global economy and environment. Thus, in our communication materials, we highlighted fascinating facts such as:
– The World Meteorological Organization made a study in 2022 according to which climate and weather disasters claim 115 lives a day and cost 220 million dollars
– 140 liters of water are needed to produce 125 ml of coffee
– When it comes to the hotel’s water footprint, water consumption in showers and toilets, food preparation and washing clothes contributes as much as 81 percent to the total water consumption.

The media coverage of the event was excellent, which contributed to the fact that starting this year, UNESCO officially accepted the International Day of Metrology on May 20 as its international day.