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Communication skills training

February 9, 2022by Aleksandra Štingl

Very productive weekend is behind us. In Sv. Martin na Muri we organized Communication skills training for Accounting Department of a large foreign corporation. We practiced proactive communication, assertive behavior and giving feedback through methods of working in small groups, Lego challenges, role playing, group discussions, etc. The aim of the training was to find out what are the most common communication challenges faced by employees in their department and communication with  clients. We defined situations and asked participants to identify communication noises and suggest solutions to avoid such situations in the future.

Participants made their own promises to share a positive attitude in future work, take the initiative, check if the other party understood their message, ask superiors for advice more often and suggest solutions and action plan in their daily work. The best part of the day was working on the “Communication Rule Book”. The Rule Book included a detailed elaboration of the principles and procedures of communication during internal meetings and online and offline meetings with the clients. Then, the participants defined how to communicate as effectively as possible by email and phone. The Rule Book is a concrete contribution of young and proactive employees to their company’s communication culture. Their ideas have been implemented on the first day they returned to work! Priceless experience!